Saturday, October 22, 2016

Sweet Moments, A Day Every Year

For some people, birthday is a very unforgettable moment, moreover for youngsters. Sometimes we hope to have a great birthday event, surprises from loved ones, cakes, and also gifts and best wishes. All those nice, sweet, super-cute things will make our birthday is the greatest day ever.

image source: pinterest

As the time flies, we have become older and wiser. We even probably forget about our own birthday as our daily routines steal our time and attention on priorities that need to think about. However, that does not mean we do not want our birthday as special as we were young. Deep in our heart, we want it to be as sweet as our pasts. But, after remembering how old we are now, we just shy to have it like so.

It happened to me, actually. I remember how sweet it was in my very young ages. My late mother used to bake me a blackforest cake I loved the most. She also decorated it with Barbie doll who looked like wearing Disney Princess dresses. Unfortunately, that did not happen for long.

Twelve years ago, Mom passed away in a nature disaster. Tsunami waves sent mother to where souls will gone back to their Creator. However, in October 2004 she had spent her time to bake a cake for me. I never knew it became the last time in my life eating her love-ingredients-handmade-cake.

As years pasts, my aunt replace Mom as cake baker for my birthday. Although her cake was not as amazing as mother’s, that was not a big deal. I was very happy at that time, until time flew and forced me to live alone out of hometown.

In my teen age, I began to think that would be nice if there was someone special wished me a happy birthday exactly at 12 a.m on the day. Someone special term in mind was a nice guy who would be there for me when I need him although he was not able to be literally by my side. For an X generation-influenced adolescent like me, a cyber mate who lived far away from me was fine as long as he replied my texts.

I felt my dream came true when he texts me a birthday wish, but it just happened on that year only. In the next years, I received many birthday wishes through my Facebook as my virtual and real world friends multiplies. My mindset about someone special became changed.

Someone special is a person, or a group in our circle who will be there for us as much as they can. And they do, because they do.

I lived with two housemates for three years. They were really kind, yet annoying. Forget about the annoying part, because when we remember sweet moments, we eliminated all the ugly things. We just need to remember our associates kindness that colors our adventurous life.

One midnight, I was going to sleep after scrolling up my Twitter timeline and typed some unnecessary trashes. I did not know what they had planned, they brought me a chocolate brownies with three lit candles on the top of it. Yeah, that might be hard to put twenty three candles on a not really a big cake, also it would spent more cash to do so. I was surprised by what they did, and I was touched by their kindness. I have never been treated as special as that time by a friend. I was grateful and thankful because there were two friends and more who treated me like a special one. That moment gave me a lesson to give them a nice feedback, something similar as they did to me. I always pray so someday I will have a chance to do so.

Now I am not a teenager anymore. I become older and wiser, over and over again. However, I realized I am not that wise. My definition of someone special changed again to a nice guy who will be there for me at any time. And I really want one, not just to give me a birthday wish, but also accompany me to live.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Lorem Ipsum Itu Apa?

Pada saat kita melihat contoh template blog, kita akan melihat sederetan tulisan yang tidak kita mengerti karena bukan berasal dari bahasa Indonesia maupun bahasa Inggris yang umumnya kita ketahui. Tulisan itu berjudul “Lorem ipsum” dengan postingan yang ada dibawahnya juga dimulai dengan frase “lorem ipsum blablablabla” yang kita juga bingung cara bacanya bagaimana. Untuk kebanyakan orang, mungkin mereka menganggap itu adalah teks asal-asalan saja atau bahkan tidak mempedulikannya sama sekali. Namun, bagi beberapa orang yang penasaran pasti kan bertanya didalam hati apa sih lorem ipsum itu?

Gambar dari:

Kalau kita klik di Google, pasti kita akan menemukan jawabannya. Ya, seperti yang tercantum di laman Wikipedia, lorem ipsum adalah sebuah contoh teks pengisi yang umumnya digunakan sebagai teks tampilan pada hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan elemen grafis atau presentasi visual. Contoh teks yang telah bertahan selama 5 abad ini dijadikan standar contoh teks untuk menampilkan laman template blog, website, dan lain-lain untuk menunjukkan tataletak teks, font atau hurufnya dan lain-lain. Kemudian yang jadi pertanyaan lainnya adalah, mengapa contoh teks ini digunakan didalam bidang percetakan maupun desain grafis? Kenapa tidak contoh teks yang lain?

Yang dilansir dari situs, contoh teks ini digunakan karena mempunyai penyebaran huruf yang normal. Ketika seorang pembaca atau kita sedang melihat contoh template blog misalnya, kita dapat melihat tata letak dan penyebaran hurufnya dengan mudah. Selain itu, seperti yang sudah dikatakan diatas, contoh teks ini sudah digunakan lama sekali. Jadi anggap saja, teks ini sudah melegenda.

Sekarang kita sudah mengerti apa itu lorem ipsum dan kenapa kita menggunakannya. Namun masih ada pertanyaan yang mengganjal di kepala kita, yaitu tentang bahasanya. Teks itu ditulis dalam bahasa apa, sih?

Lorem ipsum itu berasal dari bahasa Latin dan teks itu ternyata berasal dari tulisan sastra latin yang sudah ada sejak lebih dari 2000 tahun yang lalu. Seorang ahli menyelidiki makna dibalik teks itu dan menemukan bahwa teks lorem ipsum itu adalah penggalan-penggalan naskah karya Cicero yang ditulis 45 tahun sebelum masehi yang berisi tentang teori etika.

Sekian tulisan ini, terima kasih telah membaca. Bagikan agar teman-temanmu juga tahu.